Corona has not Left the Brazilian President in Two Weeks

Corona has not Left the Brazilian President in Two Weeks

Two weeks after his identification, the coronavirus did not leave Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, 65. An official in his office said that Corona also tested positive in the third test on Wednesday.

The BBC quoted the official as saying that Bolsonaro's body was in good condition. On July 6, Corona was identified in his body.

According to the British newspaper The Guardian, President Bolsonaro has repeatedly ignored the epidemic since the outbreak of the corona in the country. He was disregarding various health rules including maintaining social distance. Even though death and infection are on the rise in his own country, his character has not changed. He also said that even if he is infected, the coronavirus will not be able to do him much harm to his athletic body.

The BBC reports that Bolsonaro came out of the presidential residence last Sunday and exchanged greetings with supporters. At this time he has maintained social distance.

Brazil is the second top country in the world in terms of losses in the Corona. According to Johns Hopkins University (10:30 pm Bangladesh time) about 22 lakh corona patients have been identified in the country. Of these, about 72,000 have died.

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